On this webpage, Ruhr University Bochum will post up-to-date information regarding on-going emergencies on campus. Here, you will also find important information on what to do in an emergency.
At present, no emergency has been reported.
How do I make an emergency call?
On RUB campus
RUB Control Room
+49 234 32 23333 (from a cell phone)
oder 23333 (RUB internal)
Depending on the type of emergency, the RUB Control Room will inform the fire department or the police and may forward you to these authorities. The RUB Control Room is manned around the clock.
You can also make emergency calls on RUB Campus using the alarm buttons in the elevators.
From RUB buildings outside the campus
Fire and rescue service/ambulance: 112
Police: 110
If possible, also inform the RUB Control Room about the emergency afterwards (+49 234 32 23333).
Every emergency call has to contain the following information
WHERE? building / floor / room
WHAT? type of incident (fire, accident, medical emergency etc.)
HOW MANY? e.g., number of persons affected, special circumstances
WHO? name and phone number of the person calling
WAIT for questions!
Medical emergency
Provide first aid and remain available by telephone.
Please contact the RUB Control Room if an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is required. Locations of all RUB defibrillators can be found online (access only from RUB).
Poison control center NRW (“Giftnotrufzentrale”): +49 228 19 240
Fire and technical emergency
Get yourself and other people to safety. Inform the RUB Control Room (+49 234 32 23333).
Social or psychological emergency
- Psychological Counseling Service
for RUB students - Psychosocial Counseling Service (access only from RUB intranet)
for RUB employees - Counseling for everyone by telephone: +49 800 1110111
available free of charge at any time in case of personal crises
Important links
- Recommendation on how to place an emergency call at RUB
- Security / accompanying service
- Hospitals in Bochum and the surrounding area
for eye injuries: Knappschaftskrankenhaus
for hand injuries and burns: Bergmannsheil - Accident insurance consultants/medical examiners
- Further information regarding emergencies (currently available in German only)
- Download the RUB Emergency Manual (login required)
Contact us
Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
Email: Arbeitssicherheit@rub.de
Phone: +49 234 32 22311
Web: https://einrichtungen.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/en/occupational-safety-and-environment-protection